Thursday, July 26, 2012

Procedure Day

9am: Sweetz will have a colonoscopy today at noon.  The prep (8 oz every 15 minutes) was  conquered, which he said wasn't as difficult as everyone had described.  There were quite a few trips to the bathroom and we did have a good chuckle over his choice of reading material...

It was the GO magazine! 

His main complaint at this time is hunger. 
In fact, as we laid in bed last night
waiting for the sleepies to arrive,
his stomach was growling so loud I had to giggle.
He, on the other hand,
was NOT amused. 

He has declared that he will be eating
an entire LARGE pizza after the procedure. 
We'll see. 

I scanned and printed a copy of an 8x10 picture of my mom and dad taken on our wedding day.  The first try had produced a 4x6 from the original 8x10.  Not sure why it came out that size - but "photo" was obviously not the appropriate choice.  But I got it right the second time so mom will have the copy when she returns tomorrow.  Dad died at age 57, so we treasure the few pictures we have of him.

Sweetz chipped the lawnmower blade as he was mowing the front yard the other day, think he hit a rock or tree root.  Whatever, it died.  So, we bought a replacement at Lowes and he finished the job.  We're finally having some rain, so the grass is green again for now. We also bought a new water filter for the fridge.  Sweetz installed it and reset the gauge button.  We decided this was easier and cheaper than constantly buying gallon water bottles - plus easier on the environment. We used to have good water but now our mailbox is filled with scary, spine-tingling announcements from the water company telling us how dangerous our water could be.  Now, we wonder if the water filter will solve that problem.  Who knows what to do in life! 

We have an unused well - maybe we should reconnect it and get a filter for iron. Our next-door neighbor has sand in her water.  Thought that was interesting that our wells are that close together yet have different contaminants. 

I finished a surprise for the bride and groom - it's a paperweight with their picture.  After I wrap it with some bubble wrap for protection, I'll be ready to let them have the picture package.  But first, we must get through today's "special event".  :-) 

10pm:  The Sweetz was checked high and "low".  He received a good report except for some diverticulosis which is to be treated with high-fiber diet.  He was a bit woozy when he was transferred to the car in a wheelchair (per policy) but kept saying he sure was thirsty...and hungry.  He was advised to not eat that greasy pizza he really wanted.  So we opted to get burgers and come home to eat them.  He wanted two, he wanted onion rings, he wanted a piece of pie, and he wanted a big drink.  He got them...and ate all of it.  Nary a crumb left.  Then he snacked a couple of hours later and then we had a big supper after that.  He finally said he was full.  He has to call his general doc in the morning - we're thinking that is for the results of his followup labs last week.  I'm praying that it will be good news.  If not, we will deal with it, one step at a time. 

I'm wanting to take a day trip tomorrow - am tired of hanging around at home.  Wondering if the Sweetz man is interested.  Nope, I haven't asked him yet.  One step at a time is best with that man.       


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