Sunday, February 12, 2012

Simple Winter Pleasures

It's BRRRRrrry cold here.  Well, for me, at least.  I'm a Southern gal at heart with the love of warmth flowing through my veins.  Oh well, I must take some cold occasionally to appreciate the warm days. 

We are going to church this morning and then eating lunch with some friends.  This evening we plan to meet our son and family for supper and then attend their church where our two grandsons will be baptized.  We're so pleased we have been invited to attend this  special moment in their lives.  It would be wonderful to get a few good pictures but I'll be happy just to be there.

I fixed two bags of goodies for the boys with some treats and interesting things.  Should keep them busy and interested in something besides their handheld games - at least for a few minutes.  It's hard to complete with those electronic toys even for a bit of conversation as they have gotten older. Well, I must admit a good book and the internet are tough for me to give up too. 

Speaking of such, I read for 3 hours last night and it barely seemed like 15 minutes!!  Unbelievable how a good book can grab you.  Well, it has to be a GOOD book.  Some I've read lately haven't been worthy of much brain time.  Some I struggled to finish and some I threw back in the library book bag without a second thought. There are many more books at the library, checking them out to read is free, and gives me a day to head to the library to browse the stacks in order to pick out just the perfect books to read. One never knows what will be found between the covers, but most that end up coming home with me are good choices. 

We have a woodstove and it's been churning out some wonderfully warm air.  We have gas heat which we use too but the woodstove warms the air like no other heat will do.  Helps reduce the gas bill too. Wonder if we could make S'mores inside????  

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