Friday, January 15, 2010

It seems appropriate

I'm sure everyone has experienced work weeks that just seemed endless. Then comes the golden ring - Friday! Rah Rah, move outta my way, I'm heading out the door. Talked to mom today and she wants to go look at cars tomorrow since we're experiencing a January thaw. OK, I said. So off we'll go tomorrow to search for an appropriate set of wheels for the Queen.

These conch shells are some of the smaller ones Sweetz collected on Christmas Beach Week. He lovingly washed them and we found an appropriate vase to accent them. The vase is over 12" tall and of course Sweetz is appropriately pleased. The best solution seems to be an appropriately HUGE container to showcase them all. Maybe Goodwill - no use dipping into my hard earned retirement fund when I can probably find something for a few buck$. Appropriate time to begin conserving buck$ and practicing for my golden ring called retirement.

Mechanical pencils don't get the credit they deserve. They are cheap, handy, durable, and dependable. This is one my former boss gave me. They are a one-use tool but I can keep Former Boss close and within my grasp. She was one of my favorite bosses of all times, so I think of her often during the day. I'm trying to make these pencils survive until my retirement by reloading lead. The pencil itself doesn't open to reload, BUT, I figured out I can upload one lead at a time from the writing end as needed. This way I can have Former Boss around to work closely with me as long as I need her. Seems most appropriate.

Ms. Cow is a gadget for cleaning the computer monitor which has a cleaning cloth on her belly. How appropriate for holding my ear buds while she keeps a sharp eye for dust to accumulate on my monitor. I got tired of looking for the teensy markings for L or R ear, so I painted the R one with some WhiteOut. Now with one swift glance I can tell which is which. Also the right plug goes over the R ear of the cow and the L appropriately waits patiently on the left when not in use. Sweet.

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