Monday, January 25, 2010

Using all five senses

Wow, last night was wicked with the wind and rain so a good night's sleep was nearly impossible. Hopefully tonight I can get my beauty sleep. Sweetz told me it took him two hours to pick up the branches and sticks that had fallen in our yard. And years ago we unknowingly thought we just HAD to have lots of trees. The sky in this picture looks blue, but in reality it was dark gray. Menacing to say the least.

Today was another Monday but I survived. The drive to work was uneventful if I don't count the water puddled everywhere or the height of the water under the bridge I cross twice a day. It was a comforting feeling to get to the other side. The morning was rushed and it was time to join some friends at a local restaurant before I had finished everything on my morning to-do list. Oh well, that's why we have afternoons. It was great to see everyone again and I listened to their news, some happy and some sad. But that's the way it is with friends, to take the time to listen. And before I knew it, time had flown and we had to return to the clutches of our bosses. The afternoon seemed eternal - time just seemed to get bogged down to the speed of sloooow. It would have been nice to have a speed control button.

Last night I decided it was time to replace the pictures in a frame which sits on my desk at work to display four shots of our annual family destination Christmas. I like to stand it vertically so it will tuck in a small corner. Every time I glance at them, I have to smile remembering time spent with 4 precious family members. With the frame updated, it will be a highlight of the day to snatch a glance of it occasionally to brighten the hours. Can't wait for the next time we get together.

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