Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lunch and a Movie

Sweetz decided some away time was good for us - so off we headed for Danville for some shopping, lunch, and a movie.  All was fun.  The big town has a Hobby Lobby and MainMan found a clock he thought was neat so it found its way into our buggy.  Hey, it was HALF PRICE, a good deal for retirementers!  It hangs over a shelf or cabinet and looks like it's melting down the side.  Pretty neat.  I searched for an activity of some sort - like a hobby kit - but nothing struck my fancy.  Guess I'll have to come up with something around here to entertain myself.

Speaking of entertainment, we bought 3 puzzles today - that should keep us out of trouble for a few weeks.

Red Lobster got the privilege of serving us lunch today.  MainMan figured what he wanted on the menu in record time but me, on the other hand - not a lover of seafood - had to check out something besides things that splash around in the sea.  I chose a maple chicken special.  Yum, it was good.  Came with a salad, wild rice, and broccoli.  And lots of tea for me.  The waitress even added some maraschino cherries.  Not sure what they are soaked in, but they tasted scrumptious.

We ended the evening with a movie: Mission Impossible.  It was non-stop action but after you overlook all that youthful excitement, it was an entertaining movie.

It rained off and on all day - but we figured we were the winners of a free car wash!! 

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