Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Beginnings

It's 2011:  new starts, new beginnings, new experiences.  The morning started with some fog which is a beautiful way to start a new year.

We were invited to a friend's house for breakfast.  So, we arrived along with about 20 other people as Carolyn opened her home with tables set around.  The food?  Well, everything was delicious. There were egg casseroles, potato casseroles, rolls, biscuits, coffeecakes, fruit cups, sausage balls, homemade breads, muffins, OJ, coffee, and everything inbetween.  There were even containers of candy, rice krispie treats, and salty treats.  We joined the food line and enjoyed chatting with the other people there.  Such a nice way to start the new year - with good food and special friends.

When we left, we noticed immediately that the fog had gotten even thicker.  It was a pretty ride home and Sweetz actually offered to stop twice so I could take a couple of pictures.  Now, that is fantastic from a guy who has one goal in mind while driving:  get there and get home.  Told him this morning he is beginning to be a pretty nice photographer's assistant.  If the new year starts this good, wonder what miracles are just around the corner!

I tried to include some photos which I took this morning, but Picasa reports I'm out of space.  And then they offer to sell me more space! I guess I'll go into my account and delete a bunch of pictures.  Guess this is my first new change of 2011... 

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