Sunday, November 14, 2010

Zipped Up Tight

Recent days have seemed to merge into a blank canvas, nothing much to write about - certainly little that sounded of interest to readers.  Maybe not even to myself years from now.  Had a couple of incidents that irritated me but I won't rant or vent.  Looking back over recent years there have been more than enough trials to fill a book, but I won't go there again.  Those incidents are behind me now, I will move forward to new experiences. 

Mom and I went shopping Thursday for a new mattress and box spring for her bed.  She found exactly what she wanted - a euro top mattress/box springs.  She even laid on it several times, comparing how it felt to others, then back to her first choice.  The set made it to the buy stage.  I went down this afternoon to help clean her bedroom in readiness for delivery.  Tomorrow morning I will go down early to see what else we can do to make the trek of the mattress/box springs to her BR easier for the delivery men.  Then I'll help her make the bed with her favorite bedding and maybe I can talk her into cleaning up some of the clutter in the room.  Ya think I have a chance of success?  I'll try to take a picture or two but they may be out of focus if those men move as fast as I saw them in the store.  Whatever, we'll survive and she will be a happy sleeper.  She's been complaining of morning back aches so I suggested she get a new mattress/box springs.  Hopefully this will be the answer.  

Church was nice today and we ate out with some new friends at a local Italian restaurant.  They are a sweet couple and we enjoy spending time with them.  They invited us to go out fishing in their boat last week, but that was the day I promised Mom I'd go with her to shop for mattresses.  Charles said he'd invite us again.  I don't like to fish, but surely I could go along as the official photographer!  Charles said he'd bait my hooks if I'd fish.  Ummm, we'll see.  Don't have a fishing license either so that would be an extra stop at the lake office.  Seems I'm feeling a bit iffy at the active fishing part - or maybe the truth is there's no lure for the lure. 

Our cable has been off and on several days last week and Larry the cable guy has been up and down the neighborhood poles a lot.  Hopefully he has fixed the problem.  My computer wireless is hooked to the TV cable so when one is out, so is the other.  I've been playing the piano, reading, blowing/moving leaves, or listening to the radio while it was down. 

Sweetz continues to look at the camping books, maps, and accessory catalog.  We are thinking we might hook our bikes on the RV a bit differently so we can attach our rear storage rack to provide additional storage space for our upcoming trip.  It's hard to get excited since we've delayed our departure date till after the winter, but it really makes sense.  No use being stuck shivering in the camper instead of being able to get outdoors to enjoy the country's sights.  I sure hope the price of gas is reasonable while we are out and about or we might be spending a week at the local lake campground instead.  While I was taking a nap yesterday, he completed winterizing it and even put the cover on.  Yeah, while I slept! 

Now, we just have to wait out the winter and hope everything's a go when we unzip it in the spring.  And we definitely have something to look forward to.

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