Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Baby Steps

I had a good day today, settled down alot, and actually enjoyed the day. I didn't feel like a fish out of water today, but more comfortable in my new status. My hair is still too short due to Ms. Scissor Snipper, but it will grow...eventually. My Sweetz was out of town most of the day so I had the house to myself. Peaceful solace to reward my soul. I worked on a few smallish household projects then happily spent some time in the yard doing some spring trimming on two butterfly bushes and deadheading the irises. Even transplanted a few plants to my patio garden pots. Now, we need sun. Tomorrow is predicted to be warmer and drier but then the clouds are to return for several days after that. I'll try to get outside every chance I can. Wouldn't be good to have cabin fever this early in Retirement Studies 101.

The Sheriff called me today and left a message on my cell that she wanted me to type the minutes from the last NL meeting. Wow, thought that took some nerve. Ohhhh, bite my tongue. So, I typed them from my notes and emailed them. Talking to that one is definitely not on my top priorities. Three years is enough. Duh, that's why I resigned! If I hear from that one again, I plan to email an invoice for my time and irritation. Just how much is peace worth? The rest of my life, I'd say. I'm trying to be positive, but allow me to vent occasionally.

On a positive note, the butterfly bushes are happy to be trimmed for another season. Our roses are blooming and look beautiful. The hydrangeas are bursting with blooms. We had lots of rain and more is predicted on the horizon. I must accept the showers and know they are needed. And the sun will peek through again.

What will I do tomorrow? My second week and I seem to need a list to keep me on track. Guess this comes from working as an assistant for many years. Now that it's my life now, perhaps I need to let go and relax. It's not that easy. It will come. In its own time. Baby steps to relaxation. When an uncomfortable working situation has been the norm for several years, it takes awhile to relax and learn that no beast is hiding behind doorways or creating havoc in my life. Of course, I don't want emails or cell phone messages either.

Sweetz found a robin's nest about my height today and I grabbed my camera. The pictures didn't do justice because it is in a smoke tree and well hidden in a mass of limbs and leaves. We peeked and saw 5 darling little birds with their eyes open and sitting quietly waiting for mom or dad to return with a bug burger. Of course, mom and dad weren't happy with us being that close and fluffed their feathers and spread their tail in order to look menacing. I'll head out another day to check on them and perhaps a decent picture can be taken. The little ones are taking baby steps to maturity. I will try to learn from them as they take what comes with quiet calm. I shall try again. But I'm refusing the bug burger.

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