Monday, June 28, 2010

Highs and No's

Sweetz and I checked out the garden and yard first thing this morning. Sure was a pleasant way to begin the morning. Peaceful and still relatively cool. Sweetz picked the "produce" - that's a fancy way of saying the veggies that were ready today. As explanation, we usually get enough to eat for the day and a little over that. I washed the veggies and let them wait for supper prep later in the day. BTW, they were great. Too much food, but at least we aren't going hungry.

I have a potted banana pepper plant on our back porch - and right there on it is my first banana pepper. It's growing every day but is still green - but won't be long before it will find its way into a pot to season something or other. Yummy, that will be quite a treat.

Now that I'm not working, the thought crossed my mind that perhaps I could share some of my time as a volunteer here in our town. I love to read and bookstores and libraries are two of my favorite places to hang out. So, today after I picked out a few books to read, I stopped one of the nice librarians to inquire about the possibility of volunteering. Ohhhhh, she says, "We have a volunteer already". Wellllll! What does that have to do with anything, I'm thinking. She even pointed him out - putting away books on the shelf across the room.

Where I worked for the past 15 years we had numerous volunteers, both adult and youth. When someone capable and eager inquired, we were happy to use whatever talents they had. Sure saved lots of money in the salary budget too. Oh well, didn't hit a high point on today's pleasure scale. I might inquire one more time a few weeks down the pike and if I receive the same negative reaction, I will close that opportunity and look elsewhere. So, where does a has-worked-in-the-past geezer look for volunteer work?

Tomorrow I'm to have lunch with a friend who "wants to talk/vent". Hope I'm up to the task of friend/psychiatrist. Guess that makes me a listener. Hey, I can do that! And that's volunteering at its best. While in town, I'll visit the recycling center since it's high time that I emptied my containers.

It was hot again today. Hit 98* here. Then just a few minutes ago a front blew through with nasty clouds and high-altitude winds, but it's over now. The temps probably dropped a few degrees, but it would have been nice to get a sprinkle out of it. Maybe tomorrow.

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