Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time is Flying

The time flies for me lately - maybe it's the spring in the air that speeds the days.  For whatever reason, minutes are like seconds forever lost in the past.  That's ok, I'm not unhappy with that situation, at least for now.   Later on...years from now...I may feel sorry I lost these minutes.   

My days lately have been on the lazy side with little of consequence to write about.  I will look back at some point in the future to these writings and wonder what I did on my non-entry days.  Well, it's just a bit of this and some of that and alot of the some others.  I saw the recent "supermoon" and reveled in God's beautiful creation. Last night we attended a revival service at our church which was quite uplifting.

Today mom and I went to Elon College, NC, to spend the day with a cousin, Lillian, and her husband, Walt. Nice folks.  We visited for awhile then we three ladies headed out for lunch at a tea room, then shopped at a few stores in that area.  The tea room had a large tree they decorate for each occasion and holiday.  Today it was beautifully decorated with Easter items.

I'm the one who pulled out the cash the most. In fact, now that I think about it, neither mom nor Lillian bought anything.  I bought a couple of new things for the grandsons to play with when they come to our house.  I bought two insulated glasses to use when we're camping or maybe just to use here in the house.  I found a great deal on a set of two bamboo cutting boards which will come in useful since I broke my old cutting board several months ago.  Also there was a great deal on a silicone cake pan. All these culinary items should make me want to gravitate to the kitchen.  Maybe I will find myself in the kitchen soon, but for now, I'll sit here and type while I munch on black walnut fudge.  yummmmmm

Since Lillian loves to walk, Walt cleared walking paths in their large wooded back lot, all clearly marked with signs bearing their children's names.  Lillian and I walked the path while mom waited in the swing. I snapped a few of the path signs as we passed them.  I wish I had taken a picture of Lillian and mom on the backyard swing but we were having too much fun chatting. 

Mom wanted her car washed, so she went to her favorite place where you pull in, give your key to the guy and pick it up at the other end all clean, shiny, waxed, and vacuumed.

Here's one of the signs that Walt made to mark the trails through their wooded lot.  Each one was named after one of their children or grandchildren. Yet again, this blog won't let me change the type size here...Grumble sigh... and even won't place the pictures where I want them.  Sigh grumble.

And here's a shot of the front of their home with the grass just beginning to pop out green but no leaves on the trees in this area yet.  There are a few daffodils blooming in the flowerbeds that the critters haven't eaten yet.  I saw a chipmunk on our walk, but he was camera shy.  It was a beautiful day - and now I have pictures and memories. 

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