Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday Night Fever

Walnuts on one of our trees.  They are about the size of pears and look like them too.

Nope, no fever, and it wasn't all that hot today.  Relatively speaking.  OK, 91* --- but after readings close to 100* for weeks, the low 90's are soooo much more bearable. The humidity must have been down today too because it definitely didn't seem as sticky. 

I took the bike out today for a spin - biked over 30 min and it felt good.  Even went up and down some slight inclines and it wasn't hard at all.  Guess all that walking for 3 weeks has paid off with some increased leg muscles.  Today was Saturday so most of the neighborhood was home.  As I scooted around the neighborhood, I saw some folks I don't see often.  Some give big waves, say hello, or smile. Some actually turn away as I get close.  How rude!  And this is the SOUTH for Pete's sake.!!  Yep, I'm gray headed, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid.  In fact, probably the opposite 'cause more stuff gets stuffed inside the brain cell library over my walking around years.  Ok, bear with me while I vent occasionally. 

Our son gave Sweetz two driveway reflectors for Christmas last year and my MainGuy finally got them in the ground today.  So, now it should be easier to back out or drive in without wondering where the driveway ends and the ditches begin.  I live here and it's still difficult sometimes.

Reflector got hammered in our hard clay

I painted the (hopefully) final coat on the upper deck RV bed.  We are trying to get the wheeled house ready to roll.  As soon as this heat wave is over, we'll probably head out to enjoy some rest from the usual domicile retirement life.  You know, different views, different experiences, different activities.  Makes life more enjoyable. And I can take lots of pictures while MainGuy wants to fish.

Sweetz hopes to retire the end of the year so we're waiting for that eager moment.  Then we plan to do a bit of traveling to the south and western parts of the continent.  I think that will be nice to roam while this locale freezes.  I don't want to have to even look at a snow shovel!  Hope gas is still available and  rea$onably priced.  But who knows about this country.  Will I even recognize it in a few months?  So many "changes" that I didn't ask for or deserve.  So right now, the idea of traveling to other areas seems a treat.  Hope that option remains open for all the RVers across this country. 

We need a name for the camper.  Nothing seems quite suitable yet.  Our son agreed to my suggestion that we trade cars with him (he has a little compact for computing daily to work) during our western traipsing.  We'd have to get a hitch but his car's weight of 3500lbs seems workable.  Not sure we should depend solely on the bikes for gallivanting too far from our wheeled home. hehe

It's small and cozy, just enough room for two

Today I saw a LARGE strange moth creature on the mailbox.  Not sure what it is.  Ugly would be a good descriptive word for it.  Was about 3 inches long with large wing breadth.  It stayed there a long time.  Resting?  Napping? Planning it's travel route?

One big ugly moth

Sweetz saw a turtle in his garden compost pile which he said had a piece of tomato in his mouth.  I rushed out with my camera but never could find it.  Smart Turtle vs Slow Senior?  He won.   

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