Thursday, December 31, 2009

Old becomes new

It's that time again, seems the years roll faster downhill these days. That's ok in one respect - hopefully the time will seem shorter on the slide to retirement. Seems as my time gets shorter, I am deeper in thought about my favorite topic. Oh, I don't tell anyone at work. It's just my secret right now. But tonight is New Year's Eve. The end of the old and in with the new as the saying goes. What will this year bring? Surprises no doubt. And some of the usual. Guess the best way to deal with it is to plunge in and just do what needs to be done, one day at a time. Right now, it's winter. And it's colder than the past few years. Ummmm, is that global warming?

Tonight I've gone through our Christmas at the Beach photos and deleted a few. Now, I'm saving them to a CD. Time consuming but a necessary step to safeguarding the photos. Haven't counted them, but I would imagine it's close to 400. After this step, I need to order a set of prints of some of my favorites, would think 100 would do the trick. I even have a photo album ready - it's red. A gift from my DIL. Bless her heart - she knows I adore red. I've even been able to finish a book while running back and forth between computers saving the pictures - "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks. Pretty good. Mom gave me another book of his for Christmas - "The Last Song". Should I start it tonight? First, it's time to fix a bit of a snack for ushering in the new year. Won't Sweetz be pleased to see I haven't forgotten some for him. I can hear the neighbors shooting some fireworks. Before long the ball will drop in cold Times Square while I stay toasty by the fire. How do you bring in the new year?

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