Tuesday, December 29, 2009


The thermometer is maintaining a low profile today. It's been cold enough that I'm ready for spring already. Snow, cold rain, shivers, fuzzy socks, flannel shirts, hot drinks. Yep, I'm voting for spring to return. Today was one of those days which slide by and you wonder why you didn't accomplish more. In essence, if one would study what I really did, alot was accomplished. No great hills climbed, or books written, but my all was given to my employer, The Sheriff, as I privately call the dear lady. Today, one of the employees got to talking about her upcoming retirement. That's a conversation that depresses my inner soul. So many people have come and gone, some by choice, others with a swift kick. They each leave an empty chair and a vacuum in my life. Some visit occasionally, some email to stay in contact, some even pick me up at the front door and share a chat over lunch. They look relaxed, they smile alot, they seem to take the time to smell the roses and share pictures of their grands. It's me that has to excuse myself to get back to the office. I'm on the clock - at least for now.

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