Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Harvests

This morning I harvested some of my herbs to dry for future meals.  Yummmmm - they will be deeeeelishious in meals.  What am I saying???  They took my lunch OVER THE TOP for superbness just today.  Hey, if I don't brag, who will?  Yeah, you're right - Sweetz ooooohhh'd, and ahhhh'd just about every bite today.  Now, how do I top that?  Still have some leftovers in the fridge so plan to switch around a few things and we'll have more goodies for dinner - or lupper or whatever we decide to call it.

I cut some of my flowers and came up with a nice arrangement for the dining table. This beauty rivals my own personal beauty. LOL  Might as well laugh -- life is too short to me to be grumpy and serious these days.  

The badminton net is still up in the front yard.  The MainMan is badgering me to go out there and flip a few shuttlecocks with him.  The temp is supposed to rise to 91* today - and he keeps telling me that it's going to be hotter the next few days and right now it's 87*.  I   also haven't tried out the treadmill in the den.  I must, I must - I must remove the dust...  

My brother is coming Wednesday and will be staying at mom's.  We tease each other all day long - which promises to be a real blast!  I plan to take pictures of some of our fun.  Ummm, maybe HE will play badminton with Sweetz.  Knowing Big Brother, he will be trying to talk his BIL into going golfing with him.  Whew, it will be HOT out there on the course.  I plan to stay home and sip tea - with a snippit of my fresh mint garnishing the top.  Makes me thirsty just thinking about it, think I'll go fix a glass of tea since I just finished making a new batch. 

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