Saturday, May 21, 2011

Patience Has Its Rewards

Little Boy Blue has been  checking the world outside his comfy nest.  Must be getting  crowded & boring with just his siblings to chirp with.  He now patiently waits while mom and dad busily catch bugs for the brood.  Doubt it will be long til Lil Boy Blue is outside catching his own bugs.  

This peach rose is one of our beautiful roses.  The blush is perfect and the fragrance is unbelievable.  I'm really feeling impatient to purchase a better lens to capture all the beauty. 

One of our hydrangea plants is now absolutely COVERED in buds and blooms.  The color isn't at their peak yet, but it won't be long. I have noticed the blooms don't survive my snipping this early so I must be patient.
And the calendulas are so pretty with their free flowing stems.  Now, THEY let me be impatient and enjoy them inside. 

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