Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today's a Saturday and that's a weekend day.  Yep, it seems I have to remind myself of the day of the week these day.  Saturdays blend into other days with actually Sunday being the only day of the week that really seems different from the other six.  That's because it is Sonday. 

Spring has hidden for awhile, not sure how long it will remain in seclusion, but until then I have to settle for cloudy, dreary, gray, chilly days.  Ahhh, but the warmth will return soon and I will be ready to greet it with open arms and a big smile on my face.

Today, I finished the book I was reading by Angela Hunt.  It was different, can't say I'd recommend this book but I eventually finished it.  Now, I have two more books in my reading basket.  Reading from the back cover, it seems one takes place in Russia and NY while the last book in my basket is an Amish novel. I have another week before they are due back at the library so I should have time to read them both, especially since the weather shouldn't draw me outdoors. 

My brother left this morning for Myrtle Beach, SC, for a week of golf.  He will meet a few other guys to chase those little white balls around.  Hope he packed his jacket and one of those huge golfing umbrellas since the weather forecast doesn't look too promising.

I had lunch Friday with a friend from my old job.  She's still hanging on but said she misses me.  Imagine that!  I miss her too, but I'd rather keep my new "day job" that I found that I really like. The hours are fantastic and the workload is so much lighter.  Oh, and the hours are flexible.  I made several more dishcloths and gave her one.  Her favorite color is green, so of course, it had some green in it.  She had to talk a little about the old workplace, but it seems more and more that I don't miss the place nor the aches and pains associated with it.  There have been lots of changes although I'd make a few suggestions for other changes if anyone would just ask me!  Yeah, I know, I won't get asked.   

Tomorrow we are meeting our son and his family for lunch in Greensboro.  That should be fun plus I'll get some hugs from those two adorable grandsons.  Hope I can snap a few pictures of their smiles.   

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